Monday, July 7, 2014


"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
-Proverbs 19:21

     The purpose and prayer of this challenge is for strengthened relationships.  If you read that and your thought process was something along the lines of "but my purpose is to lose weight/look good/etc" let me explain.  

There are many types of relationships and they all effect you mind, body, and spirit.  Healthy relationships are important to having a healthy life.   These are the relationships that need to be better:
  • Relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Relationship with yourself and your self worth
  • Relationship with those that surround you (Family/friends)
  • Relationship with food and fitness
As a Christian we know the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.  You can be the best person but without that relationship you are not saved.  Also, having a healthy relationship with Jesus will grow your faith and in my opinion a faithful person is a positive person.

Your relationship with yourself is very important!  If you think down on yourself, if you think you are worthless, if you believe you can't achieve anything; you won't.  It's that simple, lift yourself up.  Be encouraging, be your own love and support system.

Relationships with those that surround you can hinder or elevate your success.  If those that surround you are negative and non-believers it will deminsh your above relationships.  Some relationships aren't worth keeping and some are worth working hard for, but not at the expense of your health and faith.  It's time to clean up that friend list.

Relationship with food, I am a binge and emotional eater so this one has been a rocky one for me.  My best tips on your relationship with food is:
  1. Learn what's healthy and what's not
  2. It doesn't have to be all or nothing, moderation is key
  3. Have a plan, failure to plan is a plan to fail
  4. Keep a journal or food log, if you are an emotional/binge eater write when you crave or find something else to do to occupy until the craving is gone.
Relationship with fitness, is my favorite, I make it fun.  Making it fun or competitive are two things that work for me.  You have to find what works for you, there are so many options, just get moving!

  My mission with this challenge is to strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ, increase my faith, get healthy physically, mentally, and especially spiritually. 

   The vision is to make it an attainable way of life.   A healthy lifestyle.  To beat the binge eating, yo-yo dieting, and negativity out of my life.  I also would love to inspire, help, and guide others.  

If you are interested in taking on the challenge check back soon!

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