Thursday, July 17, 2014

Days 11-20

Day 11
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws. -Psalms 119:30

      Fitness Accountability  
Upper Body, HIIT stairs

      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: Banana w/PB
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Eggs on toast
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Chicken Salad
  • Meal Three (2pm): None
  • Snack (4pm): Veggies
  • Meal Four (6pm): 1 serving Sliders

Day 12
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

      Fitness Accountability  

HIIT Cardio
      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: None
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Protein shake w/fruit
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Tuna sandwich
  • Meal Three (2pm): Chicken nuggets
  • Snack (4pm): Chips and salsa
  • Meal Four (6pm): Pizza

Day 13
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." -Isaiah 41:10

      Fitness Accountability  

Lower Body HIIT
      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: None
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Protein shake
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): avocado wrap
  • Meal Three (2pm):  Turkey
  • Snack (4pm): Fruit bowl
  • Meal Four (6pm): Chicken sandwich

Day 14
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws. -Psalms 119:7

      Fitness Accountability  
Rest Day

      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: None
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Cearil
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Turkey avocado wrap
  • Meal Three (2pm): Protein muffins
  • Snack (4pm): Chips and salsa
  • Meal Four (6pm):  Breakfast wrap

Day 15
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
Get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. -James 1:21

      Fitness Accountability  
Upper Body HIIT & Run

      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: Protein shake
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Scrambled egg and avocado wrap
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Tuna w/apple
  • Meal Three (2pm): Baked sweet potatoe
  • Snack (4pm): Yogurt
  • Meal Four (6pm): Chicken and veggies

Day 16
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 21:7

      Fitness Accountability  

      Food Log

  • Meal One: Egg white avocado wrap
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Chicken
  • Meal Three (2pm): cheese and veggies
  • Snack (4pm): yogurt
  • Meal Four (6pm): hamburger

Day 17
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers

      Fitness Accountability  

      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: 
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am):
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): 
  • Meal Three (2pm): 
  • Snack (4pm):
  • Meal Four (6pm): 

Day 18
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers

      Fitness Accountability  

      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: 
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am):
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): 
  • Meal Three (2pm): 
  • Snack (4pm):
  • Meal Four (6pm): 

Day 18
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers

      Fitness Accountability  

      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: 
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am):
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): 
  • Meal Three (2pm): 
  • Snack (4pm):
  • Meal Four (6pm): 

Day 19
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers

      Fitness Accountability  

      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: 
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am):
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): 
  • Meal Three (2pm): 
  • Snack (4pm):
  • Meal Four (6pm): 

Day 20
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers

      Fitness Accountability  

      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: 
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am):
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): 
  • Meal Three (2pm): 
  • Snack (4pm):
  • Meal Four (6pm): 

Check-in 1

Check-in One
Day 10

       I'm really nervous about this check-in because my calories were all over the place last week and while overall I did pretty good I didn't do great.  I didn't drink enough water, I didn't stick completely to a meal plan but it is okay because I am getting more motivated and I am learning more.  I am accomplishing so much spiritually.  

Start Stats                          Today       Change
Weight: 176.4                     174            -2.4 pounds
Neck: 14                             13.5
Bust: 39                              38
Waist: 31.5                         30.5
Belly: 40                             36.5
Hips: 39                              39
L Arm: 11                          12
R Arm: 11.5                       12
L Thigh: 26                        25.5
R Thigh: 25.5                    25
L Calve: 15                        15.5
R Calve: 15                       15.5
                                                               -6 inches
                                                              2.5 inches muscle gains in arms and calves!

Will do pictures at day 20
I guess it is decent for 10 days, but I want to do better, to do more! 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Days 1-10

Journal Logs
Days 1-10

Day 1
      Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers

"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
-Proverbs 19:21

I absolutely love this verse and feel like the plans I hold are with the Lord's purpose.  I feel he is working through me towards his purpose. Do you know what the Lord has planned for you? 

Today's prayer is: "Lord, I ask that you work through me, you show and guide me on the path I am meant to be on.  I know with my faith that your purpose will prevail through me, I ask that you speak to me, Lord. I ask for your strength as I embark on this journey and I pray for those who also embark on it.  Forgive me for my sins and guide me with your light.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

      Fitness Accountability


1 Mile Run
Lower HIIT

      Food Log

  • Pre-workout: Banana with peanut butter
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): 1 egg, 2 egg whites, wholly guac, salsa, ham
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Tuna patty
  • Meal Three (2pm): Sweet potato fries
  • Snack (4pm): Fruit
  • Meal Four (6pm): Turkey burger

      Thoughts:  As you can see I didn't eat 100% clean, but I made good choices.  It wasn't to hard for most of the day to not snack because we were out and about, but I did do something that haven't been able to do in the past.  We went swimming and the kids got ice cream, I resisted and got a cup of iced tea.   Also, after the family wanted Dairy Queen, so they got that to go and when we got home I made me a turkey burger and managed to resist eating fast food :) That is the highlight of my day, no ice cream and fast food when the temptation was there. 

I hope your day 1 goes as well and if it didn't, don't worry, just do better tomorrow.  Also, if you get off track don't binge, try to count out your calories and adjust.

Day 2
Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint." 
-Isaiah 40: 30-31

It doesn't matter who you are and how strong you are, you can grow tired and weary, you can stumble an fall.  However, if you put your hope in the Lord you will soar.  I truly believe this because yesterday when I wanted to give into food temptation I prayed and found strength in the Lord.  I know that he carried my feet through my heart to finish the day strong and for that I am thankful, and truly blessed.  Seek him, hope in him, let him help you through your struggle.  He is the way and the light.

      Fitness Accountability

      Food Log
  • Pre-workout: Protein drink w/banana
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Scrambled egg whites on toast
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): 
  • Meal Three (2pm): 
  • Snack (4pm): 
  • Meal Four (6pm): 

Day 3
Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get to a prize.  Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.  Therefore I  do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.  No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
-1 Corinthians 9:24-27
      Fitness Accountability


      Food Log
  • Pre-workout: Fruit bowl
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Sweet potato with 1 slice of bacon
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Ham Sandwich with carrots 
  • Meal Three (2pm): Chicken
  • Snack (4pm): Pretzels (unsalted)
  • Meal Four (6pm): 1 slice of pizza and mixed veggies


I did pretty great, I have decided to most days just eat whatever the family has for dinner and mostly clean the rest of the day.  This is just easier on me.   

Day 4
(VOD & Accountability pictured)

I am pretty sure my cool down walk looked more like a victory walk.  I went from not feeling like getting out of bed to adding 2 extra miles to my HIIT Run, whoot! 

      Food Log
  • Pre-workout: Protein shake
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): 2 whole eggs on wheat toast, ham, salsa, and quacamole 
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Tuna sandwich
  • Meal Three (2pm): Salad
  • Snack (4pm): Crackers
  • Meal Four (6pm): Chicken and veggie melody

Day 5
Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
"The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down."
-Psalm 145:14

      Fitness Accountability
   Yoga stretch sequence

      Food Log
  • Pre-workout: Fruit bowl
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Egg whites on toast
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Ham sandwich
  • Meal Three (2pm): Chicken
  • Snack (4pm): Fruit
  • Meal Four (6pm): Pizza

Day 6
Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
"He give strength to the weary and increases the power to the weak."
Isaiah 40:29
      Fitness Accountability
   Rest Day

      Food Log
  • Pre-workout: None
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Cearl
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Veggie tray
  • Meal Three (2pm): Tuna
  • Snack (4pm): None
  • Meal Four (6pm): Chick Fil a chicken wrap with avocado lime dressing

Day 7
Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
"Praise be the Lord my rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle."
-Psalm 144:1

      Fitness Accountability
   Basketball games

      Food Log
  • Pre-workout: None
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Fruit bowl w/peanut butter
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Ham and swiss wrap
  • Meal Three (2pm): None
  • Snack (4pm): Veggie tray
  • Meal Four (6pm): Hamburger


Day 8
Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers
"To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy."
-Jude 24

      Fitness Accountability
30/20/10 upper body and HIIT Stairs

      Food Log
  • Pre-workout: Banana protein shake
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Ham and eggs
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): sandwich, tuna
  • Meal Three (2pm): Fruit
  • Snack (4pm): Chips and salsa
  • Meal Four (6pm): Grilled chicken


Day 9
Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers

      Fitness Accountability
Hiking 30 minutes 
      Food Log
  • Pre-workout: None
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Breakfast wrap
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Chicken salad
  • Meal Three (2pm): Apples and pb
  • Snack (4pm): cheese and crackers
  • Meal Four (6pm): Spaghetti 

Day 10
Verse of the Day/Devotional/Prayers

      Fitness Accountability
      Food Log
  • Pre-workout:None
  • Post-workout(meal one, 10am): Baked apples with cinnamon 
  • Meal Two (12:00 pm): Tuna salad
  • Meal Three (2pm): Fruit and veggie tray with ham
  • Snack (4pm): Chips
  • Meal Four (6pm): Taco wrap

Getting Started & Goals

How to start?
  First things first is to get a plan in order and this will depend on your focus.
My focus is to grow as a Christian, change my outlook on life, balance a healthy relationship with food, and lose weight/get fit.  

So, I will be doing the following:
  • Reading my Bible daily, praying often
  • Daily devotionals or a Bible verse of the day
  • Eating 90% Clean (with moderated cheat meals)
  • Working out 6 days a week

I can help you set up your plan as well, but at this time I have no professional titles and you should always consult your doctor before changing your diet or starting a workout plan.  

Meal Prep and Workout Plan
  Go into each day or week with your meals prepped and a workout plan in order.  Choose what days you will sit down and do this, usually meal prep needs to be done twice a week depending on your plan.  Every "diet" and workout "works" if you put in the work, but that doesn't make them all healthy or attainable for life.

Liquid diet or detoxes, they will make you shed pounds, but the major downside is that you will lose too fast and have loose skin.  Then there is also the fact that there is no way to attain that for your life.  Do you want to spend the rest of your life on a liquid diet?  I don't think so but once you stop you will gain weight back.

Meal replacements work, but again it is like the above diet you would have to do it for the rest of your life.

There are three lifestyle plans that I don't want to call diets because a diet refers to something temporary in this day and age and a healthy lifestyle is what we are after with this challenge. 
The three I agree can work for life:
  1. Clean Eating  (eating foods without any additives, in their most natural form)
  2. IIFYM (If it fits your macros) Basically counting calories, fats, carbs, etc and you eat what you want as long as it stays within your Macros
  3. Clean Eating & Moderation Lifestyle (this is the one I am going for, you eat mostly clean, but you do indulge on special occasions, but don't overdo it and go off the rails, this takes training and time to get down)
Pick your lifestyle or a mix of life styles and make a plan.  

Set Goals
   Most of us have competitive natures or we have to work towards something to stay focuses and setting goals is a great way to exploit those things and stay on track.  Your goals can be big or small, but my best advice is to make a long term goal, but also make small daily goals.  If you want to reward yourself that is great, my personal reward is the satisfaction of completing said goals.  Do what works for you!

My Overall Goals:
  • Strengthened Relationships
  • Read my entire Bible
  • Complete 40D&40N challenge
  • Lose weight & inches
  • Journal and Log my entire challenge
  • Inspire others
Your goals may be more in depth or completely different, that is okay! 


"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
-Proverbs 19:21

     The purpose and prayer of this challenge is for strengthened relationships.  If you read that and your thought process was something along the lines of "but my purpose is to lose weight/look good/etc" let me explain.  

There are many types of relationships and they all effect you mind, body, and spirit.  Healthy relationships are important to having a healthy life.   These are the relationships that need to be better:
  • Relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Relationship with yourself and your self worth
  • Relationship with those that surround you (Family/friends)
  • Relationship with food and fitness
As a Christian we know the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.  You can be the best person but without that relationship you are not saved.  Also, having a healthy relationship with Jesus will grow your faith and in my opinion a faithful person is a positive person.

Your relationship with yourself is very important!  If you think down on yourself, if you think you are worthless, if you believe you can't achieve anything; you won't.  It's that simple, lift yourself up.  Be encouraging, be your own love and support system.

Relationships with those that surround you can hinder or elevate your success.  If those that surround you are negative and non-believers it will deminsh your above relationships.  Some relationships aren't worth keeping and some are worth working hard for, but not at the expense of your health and faith.  It's time to clean up that friend list.

Relationship with food, I am a binge and emotional eater so this one has been a rocky one for me.  My best tips on your relationship with food is:
  1. Learn what's healthy and what's not
  2. It doesn't have to be all or nothing, moderation is key
  3. Have a plan, failure to plan is a plan to fail
  4. Keep a journal or food log, if you are an emotional/binge eater write when you crave or find something else to do to occupy until the craving is gone.
Relationship with fitness, is my favorite, I make it fun.  Making it fun or competitive are two things that work for me.  You have to find what works for you, there are so many options, just get moving!

  My mission with this challenge is to strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ, increase my faith, get healthy physically, mentally, and especially spiritually. 

   The vision is to make it an attainable way of life.   A healthy lifestyle.  To beat the binge eating, yo-yo dieting, and negativity out of my life.  I also would love to inspire, help, and guide others.  

If you are interested in taking on the challenge check back soon!